Heartstone : Arena

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Blizzard BattleTag: Proteas#2881

Heartstone : Arena

Post by Proteas » 17/10/2013 20:26

Dunque l'arena altro non e' che delle partite in serie con un mazzo completamente casuale proposto dal gioco.Per la precisione , l'obbiettivo e' di vincere nove game per avere il massimo premio , di contro non si puo' perdere più ' di tre volte . Un aspetto molto importante e' sicuramente la creazione del mazzo , perché e' con quello che dovrete raggiungere le nove vittorie.
A parte la prima volta che e' gratuita , ogni accesso all'arena costa 150 gold e acquistato l'ingresso vi troverete a fare la prima scelta : scegliere fra tre eroi scelti dal gioco completamente a caso.Dopodiche' si passera' alla creazione del mazzo.
Il sistema e' semplice , il gioco vi propone tre carte , voi di queste tre ne sceglierete soltanto una , cosi fino alla trentesima .E' completamente casuale il modo con cui ve le propone , vi puo' proporre carte leggendarie oppure carte comuni , senza alcun senso ( anche se comunque tiene conto dei costi in mana) .

Di sotto la lista di TRUMP che e' un progamer che vi puo' aiutare a scegliere fra carte comuni e rare tra quelle neutrali :

1 Spellbreaker The #1 Common/Basic neutral card goes to Spellbreaker. As a four attack minion, it is able to trade against most other four mana minions. Additionally, silencing is “quasi-removal” with many applications from reducing that monstrous twilight drake down to a 1/1 to removing a buff spell to preventing card draw such as loot hoarder to preventing death rattle effects such as harvest golem to removing a minion’s taunt for that final blow. Amazing flexibility and power while retaining good stats.
2 Cult Master I rank Gnomish Inventor highly – and Cult Master is even better. Cult Master is a 4/2 instead of the 2/4 of the Gnomish Inventor which makes it less durable, but he has a lot more upside. You should generally play him when you are about to trade a minion for an opponent’s so you can guarantee yourself at least one draw. He gets better when you can trade two on the same turn. He gets disgusting if you can protect him and keep trading minions. Drawing four or more cards with the cult isn’t out of the question.
3 Dark Iron Dwarf Dark Iron Dwarf is a stout 4/4 for 4. But that’s not all! In addition, the battlecry is extremely powerful, often allowing for plays where your weaker minion is able to trade up and you still get a 4/4 for a great momentum change. Or, if they have nothing, the pressure is immense. Just think, it’s a “6/4″ for 4! As a warning, this battlecry is manditory so if you have no minions and your opponent has one, you’ll have to buff their minion, making this card quite bad only if you are already in a terrible position.
4 Chillwind Yeti Surprised to see this boring guy up as the #4 pick? Yeti wins games. It beats nearly any other four mana minion in one on one combat (in fact, it beats every common/basic four mana minion) and survives to tell the tale, often forcing a 2-for-1 trade when played earlier. It is the most exciting plain card!
5 Acidic Swamp Ooze Weapons are huge game changers which often result in a 2 for 1 for your opponent. Ooze most often allows you to save one minion by destroying the (remaining) one durability on the weapon. On even higher durability weapons such as Assassin’s Blade or Doomhammer, the ooze is even better. Save oozes against rogues and warriors when possible. If you have the luxury, save against shaman and hunter. Still, it is generally correct to play the ooze on turn 2 if you have no other play.
6 Amani Berserker A beastly minion which will kill most 1 mana drops and then become a 5 attack minion. At its worst, it trades off against most 2 mana drops. At its best, it gets buffed in some way (such as with Shattered Sun Cleric), kills a 2 mana minion, then trades against a much higher mana cost minion. If you’re a mage, you can consider the sometimes useful play of using your hero ability to fireblast it and change it into a 5/2.
7 Harvest Golem Fantastic insurance against any board clear. Also, a great deal for its cost since adding up the attack and health of the deathrattled golem in addition to the base one’s stats gives you a 4/4 for 3 mana. A very strong play against pretty much any 2 drop because it often trades and then gives you a 2/1.
8 Shattered Sun Cleric The battlecry allows you to often win the important 2 drop against 2 drop trade and give you momentum. Your 2/3 you played on turn 2 now kills their 3/2 and you survive to potentially kill another. Your 4/5 yeti now kills their 5/5 and lives to tell the tale. You also get a 3/3. Very nice, basic, and strong.
9 Gnomish Inventor Four health is the magic number to be able to survive the general 3 attack of the 2 drops and 3 drops. Two attack is strong enough to take out many 2 drops. If you can play this card and kill something like a 3/2, this gnome still survives and has the potential to 3-for-1.
10 Raging Worgen This is a fearsome three drop that sometimes wins the game by itself when facing anything which does not have 3 attack. Your opponent on turn 2 plays a 2/3. You on turn 3 play the Raging Worgen. Your opponent on turn 3 plays a 3/3. You kill his 2/3, windfury enrage and kill the 3/3. An easy 2 for 1. Maybe your opponent goes first and plays the novice engineer (1/2) on turn 2. You coin and play this. Your opponent plays a guy on turn 3. You kill his novice engineer, enrage, then attack him for 4, and remove his guy with a spell. Suddenly you can attack for 8 a turn. Terrifying. Even better with buffs.
11 Silver Hand Knight My pick for best five drop in the neutral basic and common category. Excellent value, getting 6/6 worth of attack and health for 5 mana.
12 Venture Co. Mercenary Excellent value, getting 7/6 for 5 mana! Yes, it has a drawback, but don’t be afraid of playing it on turn 5. Your opponent will generally try hard to kill it. If he doesn’t, start punishing him by killing his minions off.
13 Senjin Shieldmasta Affectionately known as “Taz’dingo”, I rate him the strongest common/basic taunt because it is difficult to do 5 damage with any one card under 5 mana. Very similar to the Chillwind Yeti, just trades 1 attack for taunt. My pick for the strongest neutral common taunt.
14 Stormwind Champion Especially good in a paladin and/or shaman deck, but great in any deck. Play it with a lot of minions on your side and you’re in a dominating position. For that reason, if you know you’ll be playing the champion soon, aim to play several small minions as opposed to a big minion – the buff gives more benefits.
15 Boulderfist Ogre A very good big guy. Like the Chillwind Yeti, very efficient for its cost. Only a handful of cards in the basic/common slots can kill an ogre, it takes a good effort to bring him down. Draft this higher if you have few 6 cost minions.
16 Flesheating Ghoul Play it on a turn in which you kill something and have it live and it’s a 3/3. Play it on a turn where you trade something and it’s a 4/3. These are common occurrences, and sometimes the ghoul grows to be quite large in attack even past these numbers.
17 Jungle Panther Almost always trades up because four mana drops tend to have four or less health, and since it has stealth you get to control what it trades against. Will usually kill a 4 mana drop.
18 Ironbeak Owl Spellbreaker’s little brother. Still good for the silence effect. The 2/1 body isn’t too inspiring, but it’s something. Taking too many of these weakens your deck. I recommend taking the first one somewhat highly and then future ones to be at this level or lower (and, if you’ve taken spellbreaker(s) already, to not focus too much on taking the owl).
19 Loot Hoarder The dream of the hoarder is to trade against anything with two or less health since you gain a card on the exchange. This situation happens often. This card is weaker against a druid, mage, and rogue because they are able to remove it with their hero ability – still, even in that worst case, it’s your 2 mana for their 2 mana.
20 Faerie Dragon Obviously stronger than the bloodfen raptor. Bonus things to consider is to put the faerie dragon in the middle of your minions to prevent: Explosive Shot, Betrayal, Cone of Cold, etc. Also, surprisingly annoying since it can’t be removed via spells and/or hero abilities.
21 Dire Wolf Alpha Generally a poor play on turn 2 as your first minion because it is possible that you play it on turn 2, your opponent responds with a 2/3 and your alpha wolf is dead. Best when you’ve played minions (…ideally two), then on the turn when you’re about to attack, you play the wolf and trade up (or do more damage) with both minions.
22 Ancient Brewmaster Five mana for a 5/4 is strong. It’s a good play to play it when you have nothing on the board (so you don’t have to bounce anyone). Even better is when you have a relevant battlecry (or – attack a minion with your minion and bounce it after it’s been damaged). Or both!
23 Mad Bomber Though Mad Bomber may seem incredibly random, playing it in favorable spots can make the bomber very valuable. If your opponent plays a 1 health minion on turn 1 and you play the Mad Bomber on turn 2, you have a 70% chance of killing it. Play the Mad Bomber when you have enrage mechanics, when your opponent has divine shield, and/or when your opponent has 1 health minions remaining (or, you need to do 1 damage to something to kill it in addition to a minion attack – then bomber first, see if it hits, then potentially attack and finish it off in a situation you normally wouldn’t have been able to.
24 Novice Engineer You get a “free” 1/2 in terms of cards. Generally a card to be played if you can’t spend the mana elsewhere. The effects of the Novice Engineer are subtle but it’s still a good card. Ideal value is to use it to trade for a 2/1 or to kill a 1/1.
25 Stormpike Commando The battlecry is very strong. Play it to finish something off or to kill a two health minion. The stats on this guy aren’t great, but often stormpike commando manages a 2-for-1.
26 Stranglethorn Tiger Good stats. The stealth is very helpful in allowing you to selectively pick off the biggest threat. Also, a good finisher when your opponent is low enough or you have a buff – they’re unlikely to be able to deal with a 5/5 stealth.
27 Worgen Infiltrator Surprisingly strong. The only one cost neutral minion I have as a good minion. Against rogues, warriors, and druids, do not come out of stealth until you’re killing a two health minion. Will usually trade up against a 2 cost 3/2.
28 Dragonling Mechanic Solid stats – able to trade with a 3/2 and live. Brings a 2/1 with it. Nice. 4 attack and 5 health worth of stats for 4 (though, the 1 health is not too strong against many heroes, hence why the mechanic isn’t higher on the list).
29 Acolyte of Pain A minion very similar to the novice engineer but with more possibilities. The general rule of thumb is if you can find a way to draw more than just one card off of it then you’re doing really well. Attack this into a minion with 1 or 2 attack. Fireblast it if you’re a mage and have the spare mana. This card is significantly better in mages, paladins, and druids (great with buffs).
30 Frostwolf Warlord A 5/5 for 5 is the norm. Sometimes, you have an empty board – Frostwolf Warlord is of course poor in that situation; however, Frostwolf Warlord is a 5/5 “standard” as long as you have just one other minion. Sometimes it gets a bit bigger – a 6/6 or a 7/7 is excellent value for this card. Particularly good in shaman and paladin decks due to their ability to use their hero ability to summon guys.
31 Youthful Brewmaster Good play on turn 2, don’t be afraid of “wasting” the battlecry. It’s both a benefit and a drawback. Many times you won’t have something you want to return to your hand. Many times though, it’s great. Return interesting battlecries, return minions that are about to die and replay them later. You can even return a charge who has already attacked and play it and have it attack again!
32 Bloodsail Raider A basic 2 mana 2/3. Don’t be afraid of playing it on turn 2. Pick this card highly as a rogue or if you have weapons. If this plays as a 3/3 for 2 mana, it is quite strong.
33 Stormwind Knight This card is very similar to the Stormpike Commando. When it comes into play you can deal 2 damage with it and often have it still survive due to its high health.
34 Earthen Ring Farseer The battlecry is very useful. Try to use it on a minion over yourself after you have sent it at someone. Even if you have to make the choice of healing one damage on a minion (say, a 3/2 which is a 3/1) that is often better against certain classes (rogue, druid, mage which can deal one damage).
35 Scarlet Crusader Don’t let the one health scare you. As long as it’s played early, it will nearly guaranteed kill something with 3 health. Against classes that can’t deal one damage with their hero ability, it’s even a possible early 2 for 1 in your favor.
36 Fen Creeper Big health. Unlikely to die to any single attack from any minion with mana cost four or less. Stronger in a deck that wants to play for the late game (and weak in an aggressive deck).
37 River Crocolisk Boring but essential. I rate it slightly better than the Bloodfen Raptor (3/2) because the croc can potentially kill a 2/1 1 drop or a 2/2 2 drop and still suirvive. Like the raptor, if you’re a hunter, the card’s even better since it’s a beast. It has a slight disadvantage if you face a hunter since it’s a beast.
38 Lord of the Arena An “aggressive taunter”. High attack, but a low five health. I always pick ogre over this, but sometimes when you’re lacking ogres, perhaps the lord will do.
39 Razorfen Hunter You get 3/4 “worth” of value for 3. That would seem pretty good, but the boar often randomly dies and then you have a 2/3 for 3, which is poor. Meh.
40 Bloodfen Raptor The basic average 2 mana 3/2. It’s alright. If you’re a hunter, the card’s even better since it’s a beast. It has a slight disadvantage if you face a hunter since it’s a beast.
41 Gurubashi Berserker A stylish minion. Use finesse. Start by killing the low attack minions and then move your way up from there. Benefits greatly from being buffed, and also this pick is much stronger for mages since using your hero attack exchanges one health for three attack.
42 Silvermoon Guardian In one on one combat, this will trade with a 3/6. That’s good! However, the downside, is it can die to a random damage and to say a 4/5 Yeti.
43 Ironfur Grizzly A 3/3 for 3. Decidedly mediocre and boring. The addition of taunt doesn’t do too much, since it generally dies to one attack from 2 and 3 mana minions.
44 Darkscale Healer The lack of 5 attack hurts a lot. Still, if you play this after committing to a lot of minion combat, you may find some value in this healer.
45 Oasis Snapjaw The champion at fighting two health minions. Takes on three 3/2s! Great against aggressive decks with a lot of small guys. These high health minions are even better in a priest deck.
46 Booty Bay Bodyguard An “aggressive taunt”. The four health is fairly weak for its cost. It is great, though, if it forces a trade with higher cost minions [such as 6/5s!] It is poor when it is up against lower cost minions [such as 4/3s].
47 Spiteful Smith A 4/6 for 5 is perfectly fine, even if you have no weapons. This card goes up tremendously in value with weapons (it has been placed this low on the list assuming no weapons)
48 Bluegill Warrior I like to think of him as 2 mana: deal 2 damage. That is okay. A fine answer to many 2 mana troublesome drops such as Pint Sized Summoner.
49 War Golem A big guy. Big guys are good, though this one isn’t too inspirational. Better if you have no big guys. Worse if you already have a lot of big guys.
50 Archmage A lot of health and big enough to kill most medium sized minions in one hit. A good board control card, and, needless to say, better if you have spells that deal damage.
51 Wolfrider Similar to Bluegill Warrior. It’s 3 mana: deal 3 damage.
52 Ogre Magi Compared to the chillwind yeti, it trades 1 health for 1 spell attack. That’s generally a trade I wouldn’t make; still, with spells, this card rises in value.
53 Frost Elemental A big guy, but weak stats compared to the “gold standard” of the ogre for six cost. Its redeeming quality lies in, of course, its battlecry, which unfortunately is sometimes mediocre.
54 Mogushan Warden I am loathe to take this card as it often simply deals 1 damage to 2 minions which are forced to attack into it.
55 Kobold Geomancer I hate two mana 2/2s unless they have a significant effect. This one lacks that. It tends to be a weak play on turn two since it can face up against a 2/3 and die. Has some value if you play it just before (or ideally, on the same turn) as you play a spell that deals damage.
56 Dalaran Mage Unfortunately, a 1/4 is not good enough for 3. The spell power is not generally useful enough to make up for this shortcoming in stats.
57 Priestess of Elune This six mana card trades evenly with the four mana 4/5 chillwind yeti, which speaks about how strong the yeti is compared to this card. The battlecry is not very significant.
58 Murloc Tidehunter “3/2″ of value for 2, with the distinct downside, though, that classes that can deal one damage will have no problem (eventually) killing these murlocs.
59 Windfury Harpy Six mana for a minion with only five health (and four attack!) is a bad deal – yes, it is technically an “8/5″ when you attack with it but before then your opponent will try to get rid of it and it will only be a 4/5.
60 Reckless Rocketeer The lowest amount of health on a six mana minion! This is often 6: Deal 5 damage. If you manage to get it behind a taunt or play it on an open board, it being able to attack twice can be quite a significant amount of damage.
61 Ironforge Rifleman A three mana 2/2 is awful. It does one damage which is a nice battlecry, but is not nice enough to justify the cost. If you want to deal one damage, roll the dice with Mad Bomber which costs 1 less, has 1 more attack, and gives you 3 chances at one damage!
62 Abusive Sergeant Against non druid-mage-rogue, 2/1s are a valid play on turn 1 (and the dream is to kill their 3/2 on turn 2). Otherwise, an okay trick which gives you a bonus which can often cause a minion to trade up.
63 Raid Leader Remember when I said I don’t like 2/2s for 2? I hate 2/2s for 3. The effect is good, but the raid leader is too fragile.
64 Thrallmar Farseer An inferior 3 drop since it dies to the mediocre 3 mana 3/3s. As is the same for all windfury minions, is better if you can buff it.
65 Leper Gnome May seem good, and this card’s value does go up in an aggressive deck, but 1 Health minions are simply too fragile.
66 Dread Corsair A strictly worse Ironfur Grizzly unless you have weapons. With 3+ weapons or as a rogue, this card is actually good.
67 Core Hound Five health is not acceptable for seven mana.
68 Tauren Warrior This 3 drop trades with minions 1 mana less – 3/2 2 drops. It also simply dies to mediocre 3 mana 3/3s. A clear example of how just because a card has taunt and it has some attack, it isn’t good.
69 Frostwolf Grunt A 2/2 for 2 with only taunt just doesn’t cut it. Dies to 2/3.
70 Silverback Patriarch A 1/4 for 3 with only taunt also doesn’t cut it. Dies to a 2/3.
71 Elven Archer Doesn’t do enough to warrant it being a card.
72 Voodoo Doctor Doesn’t do enough to warrant it being a card.
73 Southsea Deckhand This one actually doesn’t suck if you have a lot of weapons and can consistently play it as a 2/1 charge for 1.
74 Argent Squire Not big enough to be a threat to anything. Generally ignored. If you had to pick this, buffing it is nice.
75 Nightblade The battlecry effect isn’t enough for this overpriced card.
76 Goldshire Footman Like the Frostwolf Grunt, it’s too weak to carry out it’s role as a taunter.
77 Magma Rager Having only one health makes this card quite bad.
78 Shieldbearer Can’t protect things too well without any attack value.
79 Stonetusk Boar Like the Elven Archer, but nearly strictly worse.
80 Murloc Raider I mentioned other 2/1s for 1 with minor abilities not being good. This one has no ability.
81 Young Dragonhawk The first risk is that it dies to the random one damage that many classes have access to. Still, if you had nothing better to pick, this card works well with buffs.
82 Wisp A 1/1, despite it being free to cast, does not justify spending a card to play.
83 Grimscale Oracle You can’t count on drafting a murloc deck in arena.

Sono i nomi in inglese per il momento .... piano piano li traduco.

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Blizzard BattleTag: Maloghigno#2220

Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by Maloghigno » 30/10/2013 13:57

Faccio mio il consiglio di non spendere i gold in nuovi mazzi, ma di cimentarmi nelle arene.
Ok, si parte studiando.

Ho letto il post di Proteas e... si, il tipo si è sbattuto, ma forse per iniziare ho trovato di meglio:
:arrow: Arena Draft Guide for New Players
arenaguide.jpg (96.1 KiB) Viewed 31439 times
In questa guida ci sono tutte le carte, ed il colore dice al volo la loro bontà in un draft. L'idea penso sia quella di consultarla durante il draft per ridurre gli errori. Appena arrivo a 150 la provo.

Certo un criterio così poco pensato (o già pensato da un altro) ha sicuramente dei limiti, questa guida permette infatti di ragionare "solo" per l'efficacia assoluta delle carte proposte, senza ovviamente poterle mettere in relazione a nulla. Una fredda calcolatrice per valutare la migliore delle 3, indipendentemente dalla classe, dal modo di giocare, o dalle scelte fatte in precedenza.

Sarebbe interessante trovare le discordanze tra il listone riportato da Proteas e questa guida... :ok:

Ecco il mazzo com'è venuto... Per ora una win... continuerò nei prossimi giorni.
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Blizzard BattleTag: Maloghigno#2220

Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by Maloghigno » 03/11/2013 14:57

Ho fatto un pò di arene, sono alla sesta.

Sono stato spianato spessissimo (eh vabbhè, ok son scarso) ma la quasi totalità delle volte da gente che punta tutto sul riempire la board di creature.
Poche creature di alto livello, poche spell, tanta carne da macello.

Quest'ultima arena sto provando ad affrontarla in questo stesso modo.
Per ora sono 1/1, questo è il mazzo (zippo la jpg)
(1.08 MiB) Downloaded 1034 times
La prima partita non mi sono arrivate carte da 1 o da 2, e l'ho persa.
La seconda ha girato meglio, ed ho finito così:
winwin.jpg (308.35 KiB) Viewed 31396 times
[OT]Cari Proto - Lou - Vesper - ecc... quand'è che date il via al topic "Guida ad HearthStone for Dummies" ?[/OT]

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Blizzard BattleTag: Maloghigno#2220

Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by Maloghigno » 10/11/2013 13:53

Ho appena concluso un'arena molto divertente, con l'Hunter.
Ecco il mazzo: arena hunter 10/11/2013

Una partita l'ho vinta con un avversario che mi ha scatenato contro niente popò di meno che...
epicArenaWin.jpg (185.25 KiB) Viewed 31362 times
...poi ha mollato, era già spacciato.
Ma anche non fosse stato spacciato, guardate cosa mi ero tenuto da parte! Sarebbe stata una beffa fantastica!!!

E dulcis in fundo... ecco cosa ho trovato tra i premi:

Arena finita con 4 vittorie, stesso record ottenuto insieme a Proteas!

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Blizzard BattleTag: Vèsper#2417

Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by Vesper » 11/11/2013 13:37

Complimenti per Hogger!!! Una leggendaria figa assai! [:)]

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Blizzard BattleTag: Proteas#2881

Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by Proteas » 11/11/2013 17:28

Io l'ho shardata !

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Blizzard BattleTag: Maloghigno#2220

Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by Maloghigno » 14/11/2013 23:42

Ma perchè craftarla...
guarda qua come ha funzionato bene! Talmente bene che con questa situazione l'avversario ha rosikato ed ha concesso quando aveva ancora 14 di vita!
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Blizzard BattleTag: Proteas#2881

Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by Proteas » 15/11/2013 18:07

Link interessante per simulare il draft dell'arena: http://www.hearthhead.com/arena
Consiglio di utilizzarlo come se effettivamente state pagando i 150 gold .

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Blizzard BattleTag: Proteas#2881

Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by Proteas » 16/11/2013 16:59

Questo e' il risultato di tutti i consigli presi e dati nei topic appositi di questo forum!


e questo e' il premio ...


Arena fatta col mago!Mazzo senza leggendarie ma mooolta fortuna!

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Blizzard BattleTag: Maloghigno#2220

Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by Maloghigno » 17/11/2013 23:35

Per la prima volta sono a 3 vittorie e zero sconfitte in Arena :terminator:

Ecco il mazzo: "sPalatore fortunato"

Devo dire che la prima partita è stata combattuta, le altre sono durate pochissimo!!!
Continuerò domani! :ok: :luck:

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Blizzard BattleTag: Vèsper#2417

Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by Vesper » 22/11/2013 11:29

Proteas wrote:Questo e' il risultato di tutti i consigli presi e dati nei topic appositi di questo forum!
Arena fatta col mago!Mazzo senza leggendarie ma mooolta fortuna!
Grande Proteas! Io ora sto giocando poco in arena,ma prima del reset ero riuscito un po' di volte ad arrivare a 8-3,sempre con il mago o lo sciamano. Un consiglio importante:SE perdete con un mazzo imba nelle fasi finali aspettate un 2 minuti buoni prima di ricominciare un'altra partita, se no rischiate di trovarvi contro lo stesso mazzo.Io una volta ho fatto un mazzo mago fortissimo,ero arrivato a 8-1...e ho perso 2 volte contro lo stesso mazzo mago ancora più imba!!!! :(

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Blizzard BattleTag: CuginoIt#2830
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Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by CuginoIt » 01/12/2013 12:20

Sono alle prese con la mia prima arena.
Vorrei un suggerimento da voi guru e gosu di Hearthstone.
Qual è una ottimale distribuzione dei costi delle carte.
In proporzione quante devono essere di piccolo taglio (1-2), di medio (3-4) e di grande (>4)?

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Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by LouStrong_o.O » 01/12/2013 16:51

Sono un po' arrugginito, ma ad occhio (vale per le creature, le spell sono un caso a parte):

costo 1: 0-2, sono pochissime quelle utili
costo 2: 3-6, a seconda di quanto aggressivo è il deck, e raggiungendo numeri alti solo se ti arrivano tante delle creature più efficienti
costo 3: 3-5, anche qui salendo di numero solo con creature particolarmente utili o in mazzi molto aggro
costo 4: 4-7, sono tra le creature più importanti. Avere un buon blocco di creature a costo 4 (tipo lo yeti o il dark iron dwarf) può farti vincere la partita prima del late game. Sono inoltre dei buoni topdeck nelle fasi finali, quando ci sono poche creature in campo per qualche reset, e si va alla pescata per risolvere la situazione.
costo 5-6: 3-5, questi costi iniziano ad essere rischiosi, quindi devono avere un forte impatto già nel turno in cui entrano in gioco, o essere abbastanza resistenti da reggere l'urto di un rush avversario.
costo 7+: 2-3, possono vincere la partita o ribaltarla, ma se ti riempono la mano al momento sbagliato non arriverai ad utilizzarle. In alcuni deck puoi salire fino a 5-6, ma ti sconsiglio di farlo finchè non hai buona padronanza del gioco.

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Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by mader_o.O » 05/12/2013 23:54

Ma quindi per capire:

1. la roba figa come al solito è in arena? O posso trovare le stesse carte in altro modo?
2. Se gioco in arena da quel che ho capito mi appioppa eroi casuali e carte casuali. QUindi non posso giocare solo col warrior?
3. Quindi devo conoscere tutti gli eroi, le loro carte e le loro combo? E chi c'ha voglia!

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Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by mader_o.O » 09/12/2013 23:40

Provata l'arena ancora una volta: secondo me c'è troppa roba da gestire ed è tutto casuale.

Però del resto conviene investire i 150 li piuttosto che comprare un mazzo; io oggi ho perso 3 partite su 3 ( :blargh: ) e cmq ho vinto una bustina di carte ed un po di polverina.

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Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by Maloghigno » 11/12/2013 15:50

Mader, so che non ti pesa molto leggere o guardarti un video, quindi ti rimando a due link:
:arrow: in questo post di Foyerback c'è un link ad un suo tutorial su Youtube proprio sull'Arena... così ci dici anche quanto è bravo sto Foyerback su Hearthstone :asd:
:arrow: nel topic sulla patch di oggi invece trovi info sui premi dell'arena.

Come dici tu l'"Arena conviene" di sicuro. Per me personalmente rappresenta il maggiore divertimento che trovo in Hearthstone, perchè la scelta delle carte nasconde gli sbilanciamenti (che ogni tanto sono PALESI) nelle partite classificate non di arena, in cui trovi mazzi costruiti a puntino. Nell'arena invece il mazzo ha di sicuro molte carte che nel "miglior mazzo possibile" di una classe nessuno metterebbe mai, e questo aumenta di molto bilanciamento e divertimento.

Sarebbe davvero fantastico se con l'uscita del gioco implementassero la possibilità per gli utenti di creare "Tornei Arena"... fai il mazzo con la modalità Arena e lo puoi usare solo in quel torneo. Sarebbe mooolto figo, dovremmo proporre sta cosa sui forum Blizzard e raccogliere le firme.

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Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by mader_o.O » 11/12/2013 21:37

Si il video lo avevo già visto, ma non mi sembra dica un granchè se non rifarsi alla lista del tizio coreano che però tiene conto solo delle carte base.

L' unico consiglio che mi sembra veramente sensato e che seguo è che la carta deve costare massimo come la somma di (attacco+difesa)/2, altrimenti è una bufala.

Più che altro sto vedendo degli stream arena, ma ovviamente li sembra tutto facile.

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Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by CuginoIt » 01/01/2014 23:50

E' la prima volta che uso il pala in arena e sto polverizzando i miei (miseri) record.
Per ora sono 5-0 e l'ultima l'ho giocata contro un prete col quale entrambi abbiamo finito le carte...

A onor di cronaca però, in arena, arrivavo da una serie di sconfitte imbarazzanti: nell'arena precedente avevo scelto la maga e, formando il mazzo, mi sono ritrovato con una penuria scandalosa di carte "grosse" da più di 4 mana... non so come mai ma mi capitavano solo carte piccole e mi sono ritrovato un mazzo velocissimo che, se però non incideva all'inizio, era spacciato.

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Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by Maloghigno » 01/02/2014 23:22

Ho appena finito un'arena divertentissima. Solo 4 vittorie ma mi sono davvero divertito.
Col Warrior, una l'ho persa avendo ridotto a 2 l'avversario al sesto turno... e poi... niente, avevo finito le carte, ma proprio finite... meno male che sono su TS con Mut0 e Aya e non ho osato piangere (troppo).

Vi racconto due combo che mi hanno dato molta soddisfazione, la prima parla da sè:

La seconda è proprio bella: la carta che dà il charge con Illidan. Avevo finito di picchiare il mio avversario, mancavano un paio di colpetti... gioco un enrage da 0 e un execute da 1, compaiono 2 amichetti di Illidan... con charge! GG!

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Re: Heartstone : Arena

Post by ayakuccia_o.O » 21/02/2014 11:45



P.s. perché a me non funziona Clo.Oud :?:

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