WarCraft IV ... notizia di Nov. 2009
Posted: 09/02/2010 14:56
Ho trovato ora, in pausa pranzo, una notizia interessante... o forse no... forse scontata...
World of Warcraft 5th Birthday Interview with J. Allen Brack
Blizzard: Warcraft 4? Ci stiamo pensando
Se con l'attesa di StarCraft II ce lo stanno facendo a fette... non oso immaginare quanto dovremo aspettare per WarCraft 4 ...

In italiano, rimbalzata da hwupgrade.it :http://www.ausgamers.com/ wrote:Obviously, everybody's main focus is on World of Warcraft, but I know there are still some RTS junkies who won't be satisfied until Warcraft 4 is announced and in their sweaty, strategic hands. Like many of you, I wondered if perhaps an announcement was on the cards, tying in with this special occasion (or maybe the Sweet 16th scheduled for next year).
Blizzard's J. Allen Brack, World of Warcraft Director of Production : "Warcraft 4 is certainly something that gets talked about on a pretty regular basis," Brack explained, but his next revelation throws a bit of a spanner in the works - the team that worked on Warcraft 3 is actually the same team that is working on StarCraft 2! "While I think we're all excited about a Warcraft 4, in concept, they're going to finish up StarCraft 2, and then they're going to work on the two StarCraft expansions that we've announced, so they're booked for the next few years."

Se con l'attesa di StarCraft II ce lo stanno facendo a fette... non oso immaginare quanto dovremo aspettare per WarCraft 4 ...