Dk come ti vorrei (speccato...)

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Dk come ti vorrei (speccato...)

Post by oberon76h » 19/03/2009 10:08

Cercando materiale in rete sul DK ho trovato questo sito:

In Homepage propone un sacco di costruzioni differenti per coprire tutti i ruoli con le varie spec (comprese le istruzioni per l'uso..... :lol: )

Intanto vi riporto alcune macro prese da quello e altri siti:

Death Knight Macros:

These are some of the Death Knight Macros that have been posted in the beta forums.
-Casts the following spells in a sequence, resets on end or you go over 10 seconds without clicking the macro.-
/castsequence reset=10 Pestilence, Blood Boil, Blood Boil

-Easy pet heal-
/cast [target=pet] Death Coil

When you use lichborne you can heal urself with death coil-
-cast lichborne then this macro and you are a death knight healer!
/cast [target=self] Death Coil

-Death Grip your target and taunt it-
/cast Death Grip
/cast Dark Command

-Death pact your ghoul, while not loseing your current target, maximizing your dps-
/cast [target=pet,exists] Death Pact

-One button and you get a BIG rune tap-
/cast Vampiric Blood
/cast Rune Tap

-Solo fighitng as frost spec, easy rinse a repeat macro, spam it and it goes threw the spells-
/castsequence reset=target/dead Icy Touch, Plague Strike, blood strike, blood strike

-Solo fighting as frost spec, easy rinse a repeat macro, spam it and it goes threw the spells-
/castsequence reset=dead/target Icy Touch, Plague Strike, obliterate, blood strike, blood strike, frost strike

-Makes y our target your focus, and every time you cast Hysteria it will cast Hysteria on him, If he is dead, it won't work, Plus won't auto cast it on your self.-
/cast [target=focus, help, nodead] Hysteria

-Basically, makes clicking on the icon cast DC on your target, alt+clicking cast it on your ghoul.-
#showtooltip Death Coil
/cast [nomodifier] Death Coil; [modifier:alt,target=pet] Death Coil

-Will cast Strangulate the mob your mouse is hovering over, without changing your current target. Useful for getting stray caster mobs to run to you/the tank/the AoE. -
/cast [target=mouseover] Strangulate

Rotation for unholy DK's single target dps best cast sequence
/castsequence reset=nocombat Icy Touch(Rank 5), Plague Strike(Rank 6), Blood Strike(Rank 6), Blood Strike(Rank 6), Scourge Strike(Rank 4), Unholy Blight(Rank 4),

Random editable
/cast Rune Tap
/use 13 (slot the trinket mentioned above is equipped in)
/cast [target=mycharacter'sname] Gift of the Naaru

Random editable
#showtooltip Death grip
/petautocastoff Leap
/cast death grip
/petautocaston Leap
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\HeadlessHorseman\\Horseman_Beckon_01.wav)

Sxò siano utili :mrgreen:

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Posts: 638
Joined: 29/04/2008 20:29
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Location: Incisa

Post by Burkisame_o.O » 20/03/2009 20:38

se mi tirerò su il dk le userò perche la metà di queste magie non ce le ho xD :laugh:

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