Inscription - Minor Gliphs

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Inscription - Minor Gliphs

Post by blackmagicuser » 17/10/2008 12:30

Visto che i minor gliphs non sono trainabili direttamente ma bensì vengono "scoperti" ogni 20 ore con la "minor inscription research", qui di seguito cerco di tenere una lista degli inscriber di gilda con le loro scoperte.

1.Postate i glifi minori che sapete fare, E SOLO QUELLI, non è il posto dove chiedere come alzare iscriprion questo, è meramente una lista di "chi sa fare cosa".

2.NON POSTATE RICHIESTE. per quello usate i pm o la guild chat in game.


Glyph of Aquatic Form (Req. lvl. 16) - Increases your swim speed by 50% while in Aquatic Form.
Glyph of Challenging Roar (Req. lvl. 28) - Reduces the cooldown of your Challenging Roar ability by 30 sec. : Panino
Glyph of Dash (Req. lvl. 16) - Reduces the cooldown of your Dash ability by 20%.
Glyph of the Wild (Req. lvl. 15) - Mana cost of your Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells reduced by 50%.
Glyph of Thorns (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Thorns ability by 50 min when cast on yourself.
Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Rebirth spell no longer requires a reagent.

Glyph of Feign Death (Req. lvl. 30) - Reduces the cooldown of your Feign Death spell by 5 sec.
Glyph of Mend Pet (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Mend Pet spell increases your pet's happiness slightly.
Glyph of Possessed Strength (Req. lvl. 18) - Increases the damage your pet inflicts while using Eyes of the Beast by 50%.
Glyph of Revive Pet (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Revive Pet by 100%. : Panino
Glyph of Scare Beast (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Scare Beast by 75%. : Panino
Glyph of the Pack (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the range of your Aspect of the Pack ability by 15 yards. : Gilgamesch (elolith)

Glyph of Arcane Intellect (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Arcane Intellect and Arcane Brilliance spells by 50%.
Gilgamesch (elolith)
Glyph of Fire Ward (Req. lvl. 20) - You have an additional 5% chance to reflect Fire spells while your Fire Ward is active.
Glyph of Frost Armor (Req. lvl. 15) - Increase the duration of your Frost Armor and Ice Armor spells by 30 min.
Glyph of Frost Ward (Req. lvl. 20) - You have an additional 5% chance to reflect Frost spells while your Frost Ward is active.
Glyph of Slow Fall (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Slow Fall spell no longer requires a reagent.
Glyph of the Bear Cub (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Polymorph: Sheep spell polymorphs the target into a polar bear cub instead.
Glyph of the Penguin (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Polymorph: Sheep spell polymorphs the target into a penguin instead.

Glyph of Blessing of Kings (Req. lvl. 20) - Reduces the mana cost of your Blessing of Kings and Greater Blessing of Kings spells by 50%.
Glyph of Blessing of Might (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Blessing of Might spell by 20 min when cast on yourself.
Glyph of Blessing of Wisdom (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Blessing of Wisdom spell by 20 min when cast on yourself.
Glyph of Lay on Hands (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the mana restored by your Lay on Hands spell by 20%.
Gilgamesch (elolith)
Glyph of Sense Undead (Req. lvl. 20) - Damage against Undead increased by 1% while your Sense Undead ability is active.
Glyph of the Wise (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Seal of Wisdom spell by 50%.

Glyph of Fading (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Fade spell by 30%.
Glyph of Fortitude (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the mana cost of your Power Word: Fortitude and Prayer of Fortitude spells by 50%.
Glyph of Levitate (Req. lvl. 34) - Your Levitate spell no longer requires a reagent. : Panino
Glyph of Shackle Undead (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the range of your Shackle Undead spell by 5 yards.
Glyph of Shadow Protection (Req. lvl. 30) - Increases the duration of your Shadow Protection and Prayer of Shadow Protection spells by 10 min.
Glyph of Shadowfiend (Req. lvl. 66) - Receive 5% of your maximum mana if your Shadowfiend dies from damage.

Glyph of Blurred Speed (Req. lvl. 15) - Enables you to walk on water while your Sprint ability is active.
Glyph of Distract (Req. lvl. 22) - Increases the range of your Distract ability by 5 yards.
Glyph of Pick Lock (Req. lvl. 16) - Reduces the cast time of your Pick Lock ability by 75%.
Glyph of Pick Pocket (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the range of your Pick Pocket ability by 5 yards.
Glyph of Safe Fall (Req. lvl. 40) - Increases the distance your Safe Fall ability allows you to fall without taking damage.
Glyph of Vanish (Req. lvl. 22) - Increases your movement speed by 30% while the Vanish effect is active.
Gilgamesch (elolith)

Glyph of Astral Recall (Req. lvl. 30) - Cooldown of your Astral Recall spell reduced by 2.5 min.
Gilgamesch (elolith)
Glyph of Ghost Wolf (Req. lvl. 20) - Your Ghost Wolf form regenerates an additional 1% of your maximum health every 5 sec.
Glyph of Renewed Life (Req. lvl. 30) - All stats increased by 5% for 1 min when you Reincarnate.
Glyph of Water Breathing (Req. lvl. 22) - Your Water Breathing spell no longer requires a reagent.
Glyph of Water Shield (Req. lvl. 20) - Increases the number of charges on your Water Shield spell by 1.
Glyph of Water Walking (Req. lvl. 28) - Your Water Walking spell no longer requires a reagent.

Glyph of Curse of Exhaustion (Req. lvl. 70) - Increases the range of your Curse of Exhaustion spell by 5 yards.
Glyph of Drain Soul (Req. lvl. 15) - Your Drain Soul ability occasionally creates an additional soul shard.
Glyph of Enslave Demon (Req. lvl. 30) - Reduces the cast time of your Enslave Demon spell by 50%.
Glyph of Kilrogg (Req. lvl. 22) - Increases the movement speed of your Eye of Kilrogg by 50% and allows it to fly in areas where flying mounts are enabled.
Glyph of Souls (Req. lvl. 68) - Your Ritual of Souls spell no longer requires a Soul Shard.
Glyph of Unending Breath (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the swim speed of targets affected by your Unending Breath spell by 20%.

Glyph of Battle (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the duration of your Battle Shout ability by 1 min.
Glyph of Bloodrage (Req. lvl. 15) - Reduces the health cost of your Bloodrage ability by 50%.
Glyph of Charge (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the range of your Charge ability by 5 yards.
Glyph of Enduring Victory (Req. lvl. 62) - Increases the window of opportunity in which you can use Victory Rush by 5 sec.
Glyph of Mocking Blow (Req. lvl. 16) - Increases the damage of your Mocking Blow ability by 25%.
Glyph of Thunder Clap (Req. lvl. 15) - Increases the radius of your Thunder Clap ability by 2 yards.
Gilgamesch (Elolith)

Death Knight
Glyph of Blood Tap (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Blood Tap no longer causes damage to you.
Gilgamesch (elolith)
Glyph of Corpse Explosion (Req. lvl. 55) - Any target killed by your Corpse Explosion will also explode. This effect cannot happen more than once every 6 seconds.
Glyph of Death's Embrace (Req. lvl. 55) - Your Death Coil refunds 20 runic power when used to heal.
Glyph of Horn of Winter (Req. lvl. 55) - Horn of Winter costs 10 less runic power.
Glyph of Pestilence (Req. lvl. 55) - Increases the radius of your Pestilence effect by 5 yards.
Glyph of Raise Dead (Req. lvl. 55) - You generate 20 runic power whenever you summon a ghoul.

editato per Preda in modalità "videoleso", al prossimo metto i freccioni al neon...
Last edited by blackmagicuser on 30/10/2008 09:41, edited 10 times in total.

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Blizzard BattleTag: Predator#21341

Post by predators_o.O » 24/11/2008 12:46

non so se la lista è aggiornata ad oggi, quindi chiedo:
qualcuno può fare questo Glyfo?
Glyph of Steady Shot (Req. lvl. 62) - Increases the damage dealt by Steady Shot by 10% when your target is afflicted with Serpent Sting
ID: Predator.2183

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Post by ayakuccia_o.O » 30/01/2009 20:02

Genteee la aggiorniamo 'sta lista? :sculacciata: Su, su, mettete queeli che sapete fare, inscrittori!!! :wow:

(se invece la lista è completa ditemelo che la chiudo^^)

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Post by CapeHorn » 02/02/2009 20:14

La mia "dolce sorellina" Lysàndér sa fare tutti i minor glifi (o meglio non gliene fa "trovare" altri) :oops: .
Per i major chiedetegli in game 8)

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Post by Harens_Reinolt » 07/04/2009 17:32

raga ho un po di inchiostri che mi incasinano l'inventario...e una marea di glifi fatti....

visto che ho abbandonato iscription, mi sono rimasti sul groppone a chi li do?
oppure li lascio in banca di gilda?

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